Self Center Acupuncture
Serving Colorado Springs’ military & civilian communities through affordable, patient-centered care.
Why acupuncture?
Acupuncture aids in the body’s natural ability to heal itself by balancing the central nervous system, decreasing inflammation, and increasing blood flow throughout the body. This results in a quicker recovery from injury and trauma, and an overall improved quality of life.
Acupuncture is proven to help:
Digestive Disorders
Acute & Chronic Pain
Insomnia/Sleep Disorders
Women’s Menstrual Disorders
Genitourinary Issues
Cupping & Guasha
Chinese Herbal Formulas
General Pricing
New Patient Acupuncture - 1.5 hour Visit - $110
Follow Up Visit Acupuncture - 45-60 minutes - $80
Cupping or Gua Sha Only - 30 minutes - $50
Ear Acupuncture/NADA only - 45 minutes - $50
*Monthly Memberships & Packages available
Military/VA Pricing
New Patient Acupuncture - 1.5 hour Visit - $100
Follow Up Visit Acupuncture - 45-60 minutes - $70
Cupping or Gua Sha Only - 30 minutes - $50
Ear Acupuncture/NADA only - 45 minutes - $50
*Monthly Memberships & Packages Available
My practice is in network with most UHC & UMR plans. We are also a part of the Community Care Network serving those Veterans with disability ratings through the VA. Please contact our office for more information on how to receive a referral from your PCM for Community Care Acupuncture.